In accordance with Article 6 of Act no. 2004-575 June 2004 for trust in the digital economy by connecting to this website you are agreeing unreservedly to the terms and conditions herein.


Web Editor :

The website belongs to the Regional Council of Guadeloupe. Avenue Paul Lacave, Petit-Paris – 97100 Basse-Terre – Téléphone : 0590 80 40 40 (switchboard).
The website publication manager is Mr. Ary Chalus, President of the Regional Council of Guadeloupe.

Purpose of the website :

The website’s purpose is to present the INTERREG cooperation project entitled « Energy Transition in the Caribbean ».


Editorial manager :

The website publication manager is Mr. Ary Chalus, President of the Regional Council of Guadeloupe.


Editorial team :


Contacting us : To obtain information, make suggestions or provide feedback about this website, please write to the Energy Department of the Regional Council of Guadeloupe



Accommodation :

The website is hosted on the servers of the company Ikoula.
Adress : 175-177 Rue d’Aguesseau,
                92100 Boulogne-Billancourt


Web development :

The website’s development is entrusted to the agency Margarita 127 Rue Nobel, Baie-Mahault 97122 GUADELOUPE. Development of the website is based on DRUPAL technology.

Hyperlinks :

Internet sites may provide links to other websites or to other resources available on the internet. The Regional Council of Guadeloupe has no means of verifying websites linked to its own websites. The Regional Council of Guadeloupe is not responsible for, not does it guarantee, the availability of such websites and external sources. The Regional Council of Guadeloupe cannot be held liable for any damage of any nature whatsoever arising from the content of such external websites or sources, including any information, products or services they propose and any use that might be made of such items. Risks relating to such use are entirely incumbent on the user, who must comply with their conditions of use.Internet users, subscribers and visitors may not set up hyperlinks towards this website without the owner’s express prior consent. In the event that a user or visitor wishes to set up a hyperlink towards such user or visitor must send a request to establish the hyperlink via the email contact form available on the website. The Regional Council. of Guadeloupe reserves the right to accept or refuse a hyperlink without any justification for its decision.


Services provided :

The Regional Council of Guadeloupe strives to provide via the website the most accurate information possible. The information present on the website is not exhaustive and the photographs are non-contractual. Such information is subject to change due to updates occurring after it is made available online. Furthermore, all information provided on the website is given as an indication only and may be changed or updated without notice.


Inacuracies and omissions :

Information contained on this website is as precise and the website is updated at different periods. There may, however, be some errors or omissions. If you notice any shortfalls or error or suspect a malfunction, please contact us by email at and describe the problem to us giving as much detail as possible (page concerned, type of computer and browser used, ect.).


Intellectual property rights :

The entire content of the website including, without limitation, the graphics, images, texts, videos, animations, sounds, gif files and icons contained therein, as well as any associated formatting, are the exclusive property of the Regional Council of Guadeloupe, with the exception of brands, logos or contents belonging to other companies, partners or authors.

It is strictly forbidden to reproduce, distribute, modify, adapt, transfer or publish these different elements, even partially, without the written express consent of the Regional Council of Guadeloupe. Such representation or reproduction, by whatever procedure, constitutes an infringement of intellectual property Code. An infringement of copyright engages the civil and criminal liability of its perpetrator. Furthermore, content owners may take legal action against you int he event of any copying.


Photo credits :

  • Regional Council of Guadeloupe, ADEME, BRGM, OECS,
  • Jelani Payne
  • Endless Electric
  • Shutterstock: 
  • Pexels: 
  • Freepik:


Litigation :

These terms and conditions relating to the website are determined by French law and any dispute or disagreement arising from their interpretation or fulfillment will be handled by the competent court of the company’s head office. Any legal proceedings will be handled inn French. 



Website access :

The website can be accessed free of charge. The costs of accessing and using the telecommunications network are incurred by the website user according to the terms and conditions fixed by the internet providers and telecom operators. 
Users are reminded that it is an offence, punishable by criminal sanction, to access, occupy or hinder a computer system by fraudulent means, or to tamper with the data or with the functioning of such a system.
Users of the website acknowledge having the necessary competence and means to access and use this website.
Users of the website must comply with provisions of the French data protection act, failing which, they expose themselves to criminal sanctions.
In particular, given that they have access to nominative information, users must refrain from collecting, misusing and, more generally, committing any act that may constitute defamation or an invasion of privacy.



For a more pleasant user experience of the website we recommend you use modern browsers such as Internet Explorer, Safari, Firefox, Google Chrome, ect.
The Regional Council of Guadeloupe does everything in its power to ensure that its website provides reliable, up-to-date information by contacting the Regional Council of Guadeloupe, and point out any modifications to the website that they deem necessary. The Regional Council of Guadeloupe is under no circumstances responsible for the way in which such information is used, or for any direct or indirect harm it may cause.

Personal data :

As a general rule, you are not obliged to provide us with personal information when you visit the website
However, this principle comes with some exceptions. Indeed, for some of the services proposed by our site, you may be asked to provide us with certain information, such as your name, position, company name, email adress and telephone number.
This is required when you :

  • access the members section to have more content and documents at your disposal,
  • sign up for our newsletter to receive regular news and information,
  • fill in an online form on the Contact page.

In all cases, you may refuse to give us your personal data. In this event, you will not able to use the services of this website, nor will you be able to request information about the INTERREG cooperation project “Energy Transition in the Caribbean”.
Finally, we may gather information on your use of the website, such as the sections consulted and the services accessed, your IP address, your browse our website, including information on your use of the website, such as the sections consulted and the services accessed, your IP address, your browser type and your consultation time.
This information is used exclusively for internal statistics purposes with a view to improving the quality of our services. Our data bases are protected by the provisions of the Act of 1 July 1998 transposing Directive 96/9 of 11 March 1996 relating to the legal protection of data bases.



When you use the website you may be asked to accept the use of cookies for statistical and display purposes. A cookie is an item of information that is sent to your hard drive by the server of the website you are consulting. It contains data items which are stored on your computer in an ordinary text file, which the server can access to read and write information. Certain sections of this site cannot function without the acceptance of cookies.